Wednesday, October 3, 2012

the meaning of life

as long as i can remember, i have thought, like you, that life must be more than the daily routine of work, home, study, repeat. (with the occasional movie, dinner, or outdoor activity thrown in on the weekend).

what gives meaning to our lives? what makes it worth living?

for me, i realized it was international work that would give me purpose and meaning in life. it would break the mold. help me move outside my comfortable box. I just finished ophthalmology residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, USA. I worked abroad for a couple of months in Nepal, and am currently planning my next trip abroad.

even international work is not everything. what is? -- see the section on inspirational quotes to see if you can find your answer the way I am finding mine.

1 comment:

  1. a great begining .. destinations r just exclamation marks of momentary truimphs .. jrnys make up d meaning of life..keep updating about ur further jrnys..:)
