Ophthalmology Abroad - Pakistan

3rd October 2012

My interest in international ophthalmology began in the summer immediately before my first year of medical school (June 2004) with an rotation at the Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan. I worked with a team headed by the Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology, who was a vitreoretinal surgeon. I was amazed by empathy he had for his patients, his large volume of cases, and the amount of good he was able to do even in just one day for people in need of eye care.

A black and white photo of the Aga Khan University, where my interest in international medicine and ophthalmology first started in 2004 
As a fourth year medical student in March 2008, I went back to the Aga Khan University, where I was first introduced to ophthalmology, and rotated this time with the Community Health Services department.  I traveled to the slums of Karachi, and educated adult members on the health benefits of not smoking. Here, I was surprised to see young children follow me around as I would go person to person to provide smoking education. These children, without anyone asking them, memorized the risks of smoking and the statistics that I quoted, and would give answer before the adults had a chance. (very different from my own upbringing; I had my family encouraging me to learn from day one!) These kids had talent, drive, and motivation, but no one to teach them. This experience left within me a strong desire to go to such underserved areas to build capacity.

Preparing for a full day of smoking education
A local storeowner and I in a kachiabadi (slum) in Karachi, Pakistan discussing the hazards of smoking, including lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 

Learning the smoking habits of individuals within the community 

Listening to a community member discuss his own struggles with attempting to stop smoking 

More information about the Aga Khan University and its work can be found on the Aga Khan Development Network website, www.akdn.org

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